I've been mind blogging all the while..just can't find a time to slot for this updating session..:p..This entry will bring back my memory on my latest pregnancy story..hihi..
A lil bit on 'The day I knew about it..'
I still remember on my reaction the moment I knew that I was pregnant, again!! I nearly broke down into tears..not that I was ungrateful on His gift..it is just that I'm not expected it could be so soon. Even the gynae scold me like I did a very big sin..ddespite thos feelings, sempat juga aku bersujud syukur dgn nikmat-Nya, in which at a later time I realized that the kiblat was wrong!!..ngehe..itu pun setelah di sapa JC..apekah?..:p
I tried not to tell anybody. Even my boss didn't notice until I'm 4 months pregnant. Alhamdulillah the pregnancy went so smooth..No MCs were taken during my pregnancy!!..Yup..I don't really like to take MCs..huh..
A lil bit about my 4th delivery process.
The day has come. Knowing that the baby has been growing like a champion in my womb, I prayed so hard that it will not reach 4 flat.
On 17th, we went for check up at early morning. As expected, the gynae decided to check 'bukaan'. Haish..ngeris and ngilus masih terngiang di kepala hotakku..then she said it's already 2cm dilated, and bukaan dh lembut..anytime..that means no work for today...( aiyoo..claim blom submit..:p) me terjerit jerit gak la bile dia selok tuh..huhu..the gynae said, by doing that, it helps to fasten the delivery proces..she did not reccomended for any other procedures i.e induce etc..and kept on saying that she wants the delivery process to be as natural as it can be..ok..whatever la doc and I just can't let the baby membesar sebagai johan di dalam perutku..
Then, the process of booking the ward and what not started..The hubby that was supposed to go to office after check up done need to cancel his plan..nasib dia ikut check up..:-)..I got quite a big room ..but still it can't reduce the 'debaran' menanti kelahiran the 4th one..idup lagi ke aku nnti?..sian bebudak ni nnti xde mak..itule kerisauan yg melanda sebenanye..Huhu..
Once settled down at ward, hubby went back home to get my things..while waiting, I called mak and MIL just to inform that I've already warded..and asked them to pray for me..both maks tak senang perut when I told themabout me getting to deliver soon..nyesal plak bitau awal2..Not long after that, MIL called and inform that she was on the way..aiyoo..so fast action..and I was so touched lah..
But the contraction that was supposed to be in smaller gap and more pain suddenly dissappear..main2 tau..after Asar, MIL,BIL and my kids arrived at ward..meriah le ward tu kejap..until after maghrib I can feel the real contraction started to be constant..I went for maghrib prayer before it starts to be regular and pain..then, I took Quran to recite surah Yassin(coincidently, it was Friday nite) but can't finish it since the pain was so unbearable..I asked hubby to call the nurse. The bidan then check ( again ) the bukaan and it was 3-4 dilated.
Then, she decided to push me to the labor room. On the way ( I was on the wheel chair) the water break..byk nye rase air ketuban tu keluar..then, the bidan asked whether I want an epidural or not..I decided not to take lah..takut if ade side effect ke hape..but I do request for the pqin killer in which I don't think it helps much pon..
Then, she decided to push me to the labor room. On the way ( I was on the wheel chair) the water break..byk nye rase air ketuban tu keluar..then, the bidan asked whether I want an epidural or not..I decided not to take lah..takut if ade side effect ke hape..but I do request for the pqin killer in which I don't think it helps much pon..
Then the process begin..contraction getting more and more pain (sessi mencubit husben sekuat hati took place..sorry dear, can't help it to cubit you..believe me the cubitan was nothing compared to the pain i had to bear okeh..).When it was already 6cm, the urge to push came..rase cam nak teberak gitu..mmg tokleh hold dah..after 2nd push..the baby came out and I didn't expect it will be that easy (eceh..dh lepas boleh la ckp senang kan?)..The moment I heard him crying..all the pain I went thru gone just like that..it's a magic feeling..Seriously...:-)..Alhamdulillah..I said it again and again..I put him on my chest and nearly to cry..oh dear, no regret for having you in my womb for 9 months..:-)..hoping that you will be healthy always..:)
A lil bit on 'Tips while in the labor room'..
1) As a Muslim
- bykkan selawat
- baca doa nabi Yunus
- bykkan selawat
- baca doa nabi Yunus
2) While contraction
- don't make a lot of movement but in my experience i just can't help it..according to the bidan, lepas besalin kang baru rase sakit segala badan and memang pon!
- if ur hubby ada menemani di tepi katil, cubit lah dia utk share the pain..(tis is just my theory..xyh ikut kalu xmo..:p)
- don't make a lot of movement but in my experience i just can't help it..according to the bidan, lepas besalin kang baru rase sakit segala badan and memang pon!
- if ur hubby ada menemani di tepi katil, cubit lah dia utk share the pain..(tis is just my theory..xyh ikut kalu xmo..:p)
3) While meneran
- lekapkan dagu kt dada
- don't make so much noise. Tutup mulut..
- jgn angkat b*nt*t..takut tekoyak byk..
- lekapkan dagu kt dada
- don't make so much noise. Tutup mulut..
- jgn angkat b*nt*t..takut tekoyak byk..
That's all i can remember..hope itt helps those of u yg nk deliver soon or not so soon..:p
4:17 PM |
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