We got key to our new house already. Yup it's below schedule and we are not really happy about it. Not ready to move in lah. Anyhow, we still have to - a.s.a.p. If not, both installment rumah baru & sewa rumah kene bayau..no good. Before we can move, of course a lot of things need to be done. The house need to be renovate and of course, survey on bla..bla..bla have to take place..i so hate. Btw, for a start, we got some opinion from close people around..hehe..so inspiring shd i say that..and also bought few books on I.D at MPH..gilo kontang..the book not so cheap and we just close one eye lah..futhermore got pelepasan cukai walau tak le byk mana pon bole lepas..huk..

The other half has been appointed as the Project Manager for this project, whether he like it or not. Project Timeline still not submitted eventho I did remind him again and again. Shd I fire him and just let me take his position?..Will see within these few weeks. If no progress, YOU ARE FIRED!!..:p..hehe..I know u wouldn't read tis, darl..

Any Interior Designers Mampu 'Bayar' around here? Tell me if u know somebody eh. We got a lots of things to do with so limited budget. haha..I think everybody is like that lor..

Time to sleep. Got only 4 hours left until Syafi wake up at 6am!!..Happy weekend y all..:)

Comments (9)

On April 23, 2010 at 9:31:00 AM GMT+8 , N I N I E said...

buku2 interior design mmg mahal2 belaka, nak2 yg dr outside.. wah siap beli guidance, mesti cun rmh ko nnti cam hotel.. hehe..

apepun, slmat survey.. part ni mmg leceh, sbb nk cari yg within bajet tu, fuhhh, berpeluh!

eh cop, mls nk bukak entry sebelum2, rmh ko tu area mane ekk?

On April 23, 2010 at 9:50:00 AM GMT+8 , dd said...

akhirnye... aku sbnrnye dah naik lupa jln ke blog gg ni...maklumla lama noh tak hapdet...

hahaha g..aku phm perasaan itu sbb itu jgk yg we all rasa bila tak aleh2 bln 2 dpt surat blh amik kunci kemuning utama dulu... ptt siap bln 9..nasib pas2tu bank ckp bln 9 jugak br start bayo... tapi ats sbb2 yg tak dpt dielakkan (financially & emotionally) tak terasa nak dok situ plk dah...naseb la ada rezeki utk jual rumah tu...

nak rekemen sesape pun aku kenal eric leong dgn rizalman je... tp mesti dorg bz... kikikiki...

gud luck ye... semoga dimurahkan rezeki n dipermudahkan e'thing..
yg pntg kitchen dulu kot, pastu cat... warna soft tofee mcm header blog ko ni pun cantik...nyaman je rumah nanti.. ikut jela corak kat header ko ni.. cantik la plk...

kali ni MOF luluskan budget furniture2 baru tak? kikiki....
gosok lebih skit... jgn smpai syafi dpt adik br dah la..hahaha larikkssss

On April 23, 2010 at 11:57:00 AM GMT+8 , Yulie Elveera said...

ada2, tapi melaka.. hehehe.. kak gg, lawaaa gile ur house. eh, kami ni sib baik dok umah MIL so takyah bayauu sewa. tau tak, umah sy dh 3 tahun tak duduk2 :LOL ...
pss: nk theme apa?? aritu g check wardrobe, gile rambang mata la finishing skang. laawa2!!!!

On April 23, 2010 at 1:17:00 PM GMT+8 , LITTLE DEWA said...

wah punye lama menyepi, tib2 timbul cite psl rumah baru... siap cr ID lagih tu... kelasss... i like! aku ade lah sorang kwn ID tp x tau lah die nk buat ke x sbb die pon byk projects kene manage... beb, kalau kau ngan JC je buat, lagi best tau. byk ID magz, books yg boleh inspire ideas :) wah x sabar nk tgk umah kau... nnt jgn lupa buat house warming, aku nk tgk pixs!!! :) gud luck wit the ID!

On April 23, 2010 at 2:08:00 PM GMT+8 , hajja said...

lama nya tak update blog ni...

Id yg mampu bayar - buat sendiri kot.

yg saya tahu lampu lightstyle cantik.

On April 23, 2010 at 6:34:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

ninie, umah aku exit putra-mahkota. kalu dari selatan, lepas exit nilai.bila mau singgah?la ni pon dok menyewa area tu jugak..

dd, hik..aku bukan xnak hapdet tp kurg mase. ce kau tgk time blog nih posted. jerih tau bersengkang mate semata2 nk hapdet blog!!..ngehehe..
eric leong & rizalman?ape kelasss..:p btw, konsep rumah kami - minimalis. ahaks..so brg di dlm rumah adalah sgt minima okeh...

yulie, lor awat smp 3 tahun x pindah masuk? tp xde hal le sbb dok umah mak mertua. I.D kt melaka tuh best tak? melaka - bangi xde la jauh nau. tp effort gak le nk dtg..

wie, jgn la gitu..ntah la xtau ape end result rumah tu nnti kang. berangan mcm2..isk..isk..aku igt mmg nk buat sendiri je tp JC tu nk amik ID lak..dia tau bini dia nih mmg x bole harap bab2 menghias rumah..hehe..

hajja, nk update blog sgt memerlukan semangat jihad yg tinggi okeh..:p..ade possibility gak le buat sendiri je ni kang. buku pon dh bli..hmmm

On April 24, 2010 at 4:54:00 PM GMT+8 , N I N I E said...

G, aku rs mcm pnh exit c2 la dlu, fsl tlajak jlan pstu nk uturn naik c2.. Tahula aku area tu.. Eh bla dok c2? Aku ni bla naik kl, mmg sll xsmpat nk snggah rmh2 korang. Niat dhati mmg ada,tp apakn dya.. Aku rs mmg kna smgu kot naik kl,br dpt wat road tour,hehe..

On May 3, 2010 at 9:11:00 PM GMT+8 , sera said...

Kak Gjie,
Bf kite nye kwn wat ID. opis dia kat shah alam. Tapi taktau la dia tu masok dlm kategori mampu bayar or tak.. if u nak try, let me know okay!

On May 5, 2010 at 7:57:00 AM GMT+8 , gjie said...

ierra, rs nye k.gg x jadi amik ID sbb kitorg dh siap design sendirik dah..x amik ID pon kontraktor dh quote nearly 40k!!..kalu amik ID?antoh le mane lagi nk korek duit..huhuhu..:'(

anyway, thx dear..:)