This morning, I call EYONGBANK, as usual asking for home loan interest to be paid for this month. I need to do this every month since the loan has not been fully disbursed to the account. We only have to pay for progressive interest. Only when the loan is fully disburse, we do not have to call the bank coz the installment is fix..oh btw, this home loan is using the husband's name.

All the while I have no problem on getting the amount to be paid. But this morning, this so kekwat guy were refused to give me the info. He said he can't disclose the info to 3rd party. WTH?..WTF? WQW?..:p..I started to raise up my voice and told him that all the while I did the same thing and the officer in charge never failed to give me the info. Hey, I'm not taking out the money okeh, I want to pay instead!! Pelik tau.  Kang if we didn't pay, u guys jugak yg akan bug us and imposed the penalty on the late charges pulak...ngongok tau..I insisted him to pass the phone to the branch manager. I want to talk to him/her..If you don't want us to pay, then foinee!!..boleh gak aku guna duit tuh buat makan nasik arab lamb kabsah utk sebulan!!..But the guy said the BM is on the phone at the moment. Cannot talk..eleh..I know - brave but chicken shit kan?..hikhik..:p

At last, agaknye tak tahan dgn bebelan super power ku, this guy akur juga dgn memberi amount yg perlu di bayar..kan senang..kot kalu kasik awal2 takdelah ahkak nak bebel pepagi bute...:p Hmmmh..lately ni mmg akak suke bebel tau.

And lepas bebel dgn dak officer EYONGBANK tu, my user pulak call. Boleh tak, dia nak cakap dgn org lain but dialled my number instead. Apa kes? Siap tanya extension nyonya tu pulak kt I..isk..memang nk kene sekeh tau..pegi la check kt address book outlook tu..lagi sorang mangsa bebelanku di pagi hari..carik nahas betul budak-budak ni..:p

p/s:This entry is a trial version of posting via email..maklumlah, kt opis tokleh akses gmail dh boleh akses..yayy!!..:p..hik..

Suzilawati M.A a.k.a GJie

Comments (3)

On July 12, 2010 at 12:27:00 PM GMT+8 , hajja said...

cam na nak blog from gmail?

company i block FB nad youtube je

On July 12, 2010 at 2:49:00 PM GMT+8 , N I N I E said...

hah, well done!! errkkk, bukan for the mrs bebelan tu yer, but for the success of posting to blog via email.. hehe..

btw, bley ehh? aku tak tahu laks.. :P

On July 12, 2010 at 8:03:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

kalu nk sent via email, pi kt dashboard-->setting-->email. set email address yg nk di post...settle..;)