I've told you, how time flies. It's about time to get back to work and left the kids 9 to 6 (or is it 7,8..oh no!!). Iman will shout and totally disagree whenever I told her that I'm going to work and left her with bibik. Kesian dia. And the most kesian is Baby Syafi lah..I don't know whether or not the bibik can cope with the 3 kids around. I've told her not to worry so much about the cooking or chores or her kebun. Priority should be for the kids lah kan. Will see how it goes. If she really can't cope, I need to think about something else. How I wish the company can provide a nursery here at my workplace, so that I can breastfeed the baby easily and checking on them during lunch hour..how nice. bilalah nak jadik kenyataan?

School break is here. Means, Iman & Muhriz will start fight as early as the day began. Gamatlah rumahku dgn suara budak2 ni bergaduh & bibik menjerit. Aduhh..camana nak buat?. If possible, I want to bring Muhriz or Iman or both along to the office. Ada tak Play School ke or anything similar during school break ni somewhere in bangi/kajang/putrajaya eh?..Let me know kalau ada.

Tomorrow will be 'Ihtifal & Graduation Day' for Muhriz held at USIM (btw, Ihtifal tu ape ek? Aku google pon x jumpa makna dia ape..hehe). Tak sabar nak tgk Muhriz berlakon walaupon hanya berlakon sbg sebatang pokok!!..:p

Comments (9)

On November 21, 2009 at 1:29:00 AM GMT+8 , LITTLE DEWA said...

hah di mana2 cite psl bdk2 year end concerts & everythin. sure seronok! :)
weh bwk si kecik nursery yg near your workplace la. aku dulu ms lps confinement pegi tgk ahmad nani on hourly basis. if u were 2 bring the abg & kakak 2 day care center, payah gak tang $$$ la sket kan... dh bibik br baik gaji. hehe.

On November 21, 2009 at 7:32:00 PM GMT+8 , ms ngantuk said...

baiknya kau risaukan bibik can cope or not. well sisters in law aku ramai anak 3 and ke atas; so far maids depa boleh cope. kena buli lagilah. kau ni majikan baik betul!

kalau paranoid, leh psg vid cam at home n view from opis. yg aku tau maxis ada that service, can check fr phone.

On November 21, 2009 at 10:46:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

wie, susah pulak kang asik kuar je kang..kalu dlm working area tu xpe la kan..dh le naik keje ni mcm2 mende menanti..aduss..

kay, ntah le sbb aku dok imagine bebudak ni asik begaduh x berenti..pehtu bb pon xleh tido..and bibik pon tensi..harap2 aku xde kt rumah ni diorg behave la skit..biasa kan bebudak kalu mak pak dia ade, extra nakall skit..ntah ke anak2 aku je gitu..?..:p

On November 22, 2009 at 12:34:00 AM GMT+8 , Azrey Rozie Eiman said...

g... anak2 ko nanti pandai la "adjust" noti diorang... dia tau ko g keje. time balik keje nanti baru la lepas sorang, sorang ngadu kat ko.

On November 22, 2009 at 8:33:00 PM GMT+8 , dd said...

ermm.. susah jgk tu ek g.. takpela hopefully k.jun reti la handle.. dia kena la pg2 dah siap2 kemas apa2 yg patut pastu boleh la concentrate kat bdk2 je pastu.. takpe k.jun tu kan garang mesti iman ngan muiz takut nak noti2 sgt time ko pgi keje...
tpkan kalau dulu2 ko balik awal je dia serah syif la ni dah 3 org mesti lagi member letih..bila la nak petang puan ni nak balik.. haha..
mudah2an Allah mudahkan e'thing 4 u guys..amin

On November 22, 2009 at 9:45:00 PM GMT+8 , LITTLE DEWA said...

btul btul. bukan ke bibik gjie slalu tdo awal? kot ms 2 org budak die tdo kul 9, kang ni dh 3 org budak die tdo rite aft maghrib! malam2 puan pulak la jd bibik :p makin slim melim lah pn suzilawa kite nih :)

On November 22, 2009 at 10:21:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

dd..thx for the doa..aku kesiankan si kecik ni hah..dia bukannya suka sgt isap guna botol..aku kan slalu kuar lps pantang tghari balik - susu yg aku tinggal tu biasenya x abes pon..bila aku dh blk baru le dia beriye2 nyusu..

wie, b4 nih pon time mlm aku yg jadi bibik..maid aku keje ikut opis hour..:p..kot kalu selim melim ok la gak kan..nih xde tande2 pon aku nak kuros blk spt dulu..umur dh meningkat - metabolisma pon dh menurun..:(

On November 26, 2009 at 12:13:00 PM GMT+8 , N I N I E said...

g, ank2 aku pun sama, time kite blk tu la, msg2 behave lain mcm, smpai dah tak terdaya nk menegur..

yela, time tu la dia jumpe kite kan, org kata, mintak perhatian..

On January 4, 2010 at 2:40:00 PM GMT+8 , chi chiong kai said...

install la cctv , kalau nak tahu dia boleh cope ke tak?