This entry is purposely to share my experience delivering our 3rd edition. Enjoy!!
The contraction
I started to felt the contraction at 4.30a.m the same day. It was only a mild contraction and happen every 8 minutes constantly. 2 days before was only 'Braxton Hicks' but I believe tis time would be the real one. I still can bear with it. After Subuh prayer, I told my husband and asked him to get ready to the hospital. The contraction getting more painful and cause me to stop talking whenever it came.Need to apply the breathing technique as well. My MIL was around and she decided to follow us.
At the Hospital
We went straight to the labor room. The midwife check the necessary. The baby's heartbeat is OK and the cervix already 3-4 cm dilated. The doctor decided to break the water as it will help to speed the process. I asked the midwife, why I can't felt the water break?. Rupanya air ketuban dh tinggal sikit. Bahaya tuh..
It hurts
God knows how..Suddenly, I can recall the pain I felt when I delivered Muhriz & Iman..before ni x terpk pulak nak recall dulu sakit tuh. And the husband budget I will deliver the baby at night. Chait ade ke patut?. Dah le sakit banget,buleh dia budget malam baru besalin..I asked the midwife do they provide an etonox gas to ease the pain. I had that for the previous two. But unfortunately, they do not have that here. They only provide an injection. So, I asked for an injection. Tp, sakit jugak..huhuhu..
When the cervix 7cm dilated, I hv the urge to push the baby out but the midwife asked me to hold. It so hard to do that. I believe most of u has experienced this. She asked me to hold until 15 minutes. Then, the doctor came. As expected, the gynae who were supposed to attend me was on RAYA leave at Terengganu. But, this gynae who was on call mode is not bad at all. She is so soft spoken and muka ala2 arab. Sejuk mata memandang. When the contraction is at the peak and fully dilated, they asked me to push the bb out. I did it the wrong way and the husband told me it's gonna be another vacum bb again. Sigh..but actually, NO. There were few nurses around and they were just like a POM2 girl(cuma xde pom2 jer..). Later I was told by them that I'm the only one in the labor room and the wards were empty. Only 1 person delivered the baby early that morning at 5 a.m. So, most of them can join me and share the pain I have to face.The midwife taught me how to push the baby correctly. After 6-7 attempt, I managed to push her out without using the vacum(unlike the previous 2)and the gynae greet the baby with ' Assalamualaikum'..:-)
The contraction
I started to felt the contraction at 4.30a.m the same day. It was only a mild contraction and happen every 8 minutes constantly. 2 days before was only 'Braxton Hicks' but I believe tis time would be the real one. I still can bear with it. After Subuh prayer, I told my husband and asked him to get ready to the hospital. The contraction getting more painful and cause me to stop talking whenever it came.Need to apply the breathing technique as well. My MIL was around and she decided to follow us.
At the Hospital
We went straight to the labor room. The midwife check the necessary. The baby's heartbeat is OK and the cervix already 3-4 cm dilated. The doctor decided to break the water as it will help to speed the process. I asked the midwife, why I can't felt the water break?. Rupanya air ketuban dh tinggal sikit. Bahaya tuh..
It hurts
God knows how..Suddenly, I can recall the pain I felt when I delivered Muhriz & Iman..before ni x terpk pulak nak recall dulu sakit tuh. And the husband budget I will deliver the baby at night. Chait ade ke patut?. Dah le sakit banget,buleh dia budget malam baru besalin..I asked the midwife do they provide an etonox gas to ease the pain. I had that for the previous two. But unfortunately, they do not have that here. They only provide an injection. So, I asked for an injection. Tp, sakit jugak..huhuhu..
When the cervix 7cm dilated, I hv the urge to push the baby out but the midwife asked me to hold. It so hard to do that. I believe most of u has experienced this. She asked me to hold until 15 minutes. Then, the doctor came. As expected, the gynae who were supposed to attend me was on RAYA leave at Terengganu. But, this gynae who was on call mode is not bad at all. She is so soft spoken and muka ala2 arab. Sejuk mata memandang. When the contraction is at the peak and fully dilated, they asked me to push the bb out. I did it the wrong way and the husband told me it's gonna be another vacum bb again. Sigh..but actually, NO. There were few nurses around and they were just like a POM2 girl(cuma xde pom2 jer..). Later I was told by them that I'm the only one in the labor room and the wards were empty. Only 1 person delivered the baby early that morning at 5 a.m. So, most of them can join me and share the pain I have to face.The midwife taught me how to push the baby correctly. After 6-7 attempt, I managed to push her out without using the vacum(unlike the previous 2)and the gynae greet the baby with ' Assalamualaikum'..:-)
No Pain No Gain
Suddenly all the pain gone. I got 4 stiches but it didn't hurt at all. Thanks to the contraction pain I experienced before..hehe. Syafi Zahirah bt Saifulbahri born on 24.09.2009 @11.49 a.m. and was 3 days overdue. Alhamdulillah, everything went so smooth..I have a strong believe that this process of delivery is quite easier berkat doa semua. Thanks to those yg mendoakan..:-).
Suddenly all the pain gone. I got 4 stiches but it didn't hurt at all. Thanks to the contraction pain I experienced before..hehe. Syafi Zahirah bt Saifulbahri born on 24.09.2009 @11.49 a.m. and was 3 days overdue. Alhamdulillah, everything went so smooth..I have a strong believe that this process of delivery is quite easier berkat doa semua. Thanks to those yg mendoakan..:-).
The price I had to pay was only not being able to beraya sakan this year(besides berpantang ala2 koboi). No big deal and I felt it is so berbaloi-baloi..:-). Alhamdulillah.
To those yg akan bersalin and plan untuk bersalin next, do not worry. InsyaAllah, sakit bersalin tu penghapus dosa (tu yg lakiku dok ulang2 time aku sakit yg amat kt labor room tu). The moment you saw the baby, semua sakit tuh terus hilang sekelip mate..
To those yg akan bersalin and plan untuk bersalin next, do not worry. InsyaAllah, sakit bersalin tu penghapus dosa (tu yg lakiku dok ulang2 time aku sakit yg amat kt labor room tu). The moment you saw the baby, semua sakit tuh terus hilang sekelip mate..
1:02 PM |
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Comments (15)
ko nye experience bersalin ni mcm aku nye je waktu bersalinkan irfan :). only that they need to induce me sbb i was only 2cm dilated since 10pm (the water broke) til 7am n atill no contraction. bile dah induce, br rasa contraction tu, mmg sakit nk mati..sbb force pain kan.. siap kene amik gas n injection.. tapi aku tak amik epidural la..
bersalin kan sarah mmg senang.. smpai hospital trs beranak after 3 kali push! nasib tak terberanak dlm kete! :p
anyway, mmg berbaloi la g ko tak balik raya.. sbb ko dapt org baru! n sagtla comel n gebu! aku rasa nk picit2! :)
gg, ko mengingatkan aku pd contraction yg sakit, adusssss..! oh no... aku lak terasa2 bc entry ko neh, hehe..
nolin kata amek epidural pun sakit gak.. aku 3x branak, sume jns xsabo2 nk kuar, midwife la yg tukang tlg "tahan"kan itu baby.. ms fiesa aje yg tak dapat thn, sbb kat gomen, midwife tak tunggu punggg.. smpi terkuar sendiri ank aku, barula terkocoh2 dtg berombongan..
ms 3rd, barula aku tahu teknik besalin betul, klu nk thn spya bby tak kuar dulu, tarik nfs dlm2, pastu hold, tu yg omputeh sll aplykan.. ms tu mmg istifar & selawat giler2 la..
tu aksi ape lak si iman tu, hihi.
aku pulak x pecah2 air ketuban..tu yg tepakse pecahkan. yg lelain tuh seme pecah sendiri..gas tuh sebenarnye bole kurgkan sakit compared to injection. aku igt nk gak try epidural. lakiku pulak x encourage..redha je lah..:p
ha ah betul la teknik teringat..padehal baru 12 hari berlalu..mak aih smp teberanak sendiri bior betol..
Iman tuh mmg..lebih kene jage dia dari jage bb..asik nk cocok pipi and mate bb jer keje dia..
aku amik gas n injection tu pn aku sakit gila gg.. cume aku lalok jek.. parah betol! :p. penangan anak pertama la kot.. bnda tu belum bukak bebetol lagik.. :p. mmg tak encourage la amik epidural.. for long term, nanti ko senang sakit tulang belakang. n some ppl say, nk beranak lagi susah guna epidural sbb ko tak rasa contraction pain tu.. so tak tahu bile nk push walaupun ade contraction detector machine tu..
oohhh tidak.. gg, cerita kau mengimbas kembali kenangan aku bersalin dulu. kena set mental betol2 utk no. 3 nie... tapi blom sampai masanya lagi :)
hihi.. gg.. iman tu post sini biar aku jagakan time ko pntg..
ntah la aku takde xperience segala gas ke epidural..injection la apa sbb beranak hosp govt je.. tp alhamdulillah 2,2 tak lama dlm labour room.. eventho xperience dulu ala2 bearable jgk but still skrg dah terasa2 seram plk for future baby wpun preggy pun belum :P .. sbb labor pain ni semua kuasa Allah kan dulu2 mgkin ok..esok2 kita tak tahu...
anyway g.. kalau brkesmptn nanti bila2 aku dtg jengah lagi eh.. tp tetap nak request jc blikan nasi briyani..aritu tak puas mkn la plus segan ngan mak ko...
tk gd care...
ha ah, ade org kate gitu. kalu guna epidural,xde urge nk push. tp ade gak kate ok jer..depends la aku rs cara lain yg agak berkesan - cubit laki ko - kesakitan tu akan mengalir kt dia jugak..betol. and baca la buku2 & doa2 yg berkaitan..insyaAllah sakit tuh bole di divert sket..:-)..
take ur time..:-)..cemanapon aku menyokong penoh if u want to join ikek nxt year!!..btw, aku dh tuka kempen. It's 3 by 30 something - no more 3 by 30..hehe..
ko lg tere xde langsung guna pain killer. and I do encourage u to join ikek as well!!(hehe mementang le baru branak!!..ngehehe)
dtg la anytime u wish. beriyani tu byk lebih lupa nk soh kau tapau jer bwk blk arituh..mee bandong ko tuh aku terpakse jeling jer. berpantang mode sgt menguji kesabaranku..huhuhu..
gg bknnye sbb terrer ke apa tp mmg takde lgsg diberi option2tu.. time tu aku pun tak tahu ada benda tu redha n istighar jela bnyk2 hihih..
gg.. kalau tanye aku ntah la aku ni dah ready ke blum sbnrnye..kjp rasa ok kejap rasa tak.. so aku berserah je n doa kat Allah so that apa jua ketentuan dia hopefully aku bersedia n tabah. for me to plan for a new bby when u'd just lost one.. lain rasanye compared to those yg mmg plan for new addition.. anyhow..aku berserah pdNya...
dd, just follow the flow aje. insyaAllah, ada rezeki kau nanti..aku doakan..:)
yes dd.. just follow the flow... semua bnda yg berlaku ade hikmah n rezkinye.. dont think too hard n bukan2.. kami doakan :)
n kalau nk dtg umah gg lagi, aku nk ikut!! n gg.. aku telah terliur bile dd cakap nasi beriani tu sedap! hehe
utk kengkawan sume, smga Allah sentiasa memberi petunjukNya & kite terpilih utk mendapat hidayahNya, aminnn..
g, lps besalin ke3 ni, pantang jgn ala2 koboi beb.. lps ank ke3 ni kena serius sket, klu ank p1 & k2 tu bleh main2 lagik :)..
org tua2 kata, besokan ank ke3 ni byk dugaan sket, & aku dah pun melaluinya.. smoga Allah bg kekuatan pd kite sume..
ikek, sile bitau bile nk dtg..nnti aku soh jc tapau j.m beriyani tuh..ngehehe..
ninie, so far aku bepantang ikut ape yg aku igt + bibik suggestion. ade gak le yg bole pkai. tiap pagi maid aku bancuhkan telur ayam kg+madu+lada hitam utk aku minum..alhamdulillah segar dh bdn aku skang ni.utk pantang mkn insyaAllah le aku buleh ikut.cuma mlm tadi teliur plak aku tgk krispy kreme donut yg deeda bwk mlm td time visit aku..tepakse aku cubit sket buat rase..:p
btw, nk tanye - air barli buleh ke minum ek waktu pantang ni..boring la asik minum milo/horlicks/sunquick jer..:p
kak gjie...
ninie aminnn..
yes ika thats what i'm doing now.. tp letih jgk la dgr org2 ckp..alah nk risau apa awkkan muda lagi... bila lagi kan dah lama arwah takde.. awk ni mmg control ke atau blum lagi.. bla..bla..bla..maleh den nak mnjawab..plg2 pun sy ckp mentally not-prepared tp kalau da ada rezeki terima je...
tp hati kecilku ni tuhan je yg tahu... nk xplain kat laki sndiri mcmmn pun susah... hihihi...
deeda... lama tak dgr citer... ermm bila ek nak gi raya umh ko...hihihi...
kwn2... rasanya wknd ni mcm nak msk laksa johor je so sp2 yg lalu-lalu area kelana jaya tu jmputla singgah ye...
nk buat official open-house beriya2tu ada malas skit...
at first ingat nak kluar beraya sabtu tu tp ada member kastam jmput bday anak dia plk ptg tu.. kalau dah keluar nanti mesti tak smpt nk blk awal...dgn jln jem tak ingat....
ngilu lak baca nih G... :) tahniah ya.. orang baru yang sangat comel dan gebu!