When I was in MCB 13 years back (hah..lama tuh..maknanye?), I took (no, I have to take..no choice bebeh..) a psychology subject. I enjoyed learning but not as much as I enjoyed learning Add Maths during the secondary school.:p. The subject is different from others that we learnt at earlier schools. I hate reading but this subject require me to do so besides an analytical thinking. Analyzing and applying each and every approach they have in Psychology also requires good writing skill which I found it a bit lack in me!!....Btw,I so hate Sigmund Freud..:p

My room mate influenced me a lot in this Psychology subject
..haha..yes, I have to admit that she's so good at it..I remember when we went to the National Library, a must-go section will be a Psychology section..It's quite an effort to go there. Jalan kaki sepanjang Jln Bukit Changgang menuju ke simpang jalan besar --> Ambil bas ke KL Bus Stand Klang (padehal bukannye kt Klang pon..x paham apesal nama dia gini) --> Jln kaki pi Bangkok Bank tunggu bas ketot ke arah Jln Raja Laut --> Berenti kt Jln ape ntah aku pon tak igt --> Jalan kaki pi National Library., barulah sampai...berpeluh la jugak..ohh kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa..!!

Now, I wish that I could take the subject again, and apply it in my
everyday life especially when it comes to deal with the kids.Yes, the kids really drives me crazy with their 'good' behaviour recently. Contohnya:-
1. Suka bergaduh. Tak sah kalau sehari tak gaduh. And yg se
lalu kalah sure lah Muhriz!!.
2. Taknak makan nasi - Iman le ni..Tp kalau gula2 mmg pantang nampak. Yg org buang pon sanggup dikutip. You can see her glittering eyes if she got some..she will be smiling ear to ear sampai gegula abes..!!
3. Tgk kartun 24 hours - Nih Iman jugak. Org lain dh tak boleh nak tgk cerita lain asik Channel 611 je lah. oo lupe..kalu cite hantu baru la boleh alih channel lain without any argument.
4. Suka kacau baby - Aku dh sound pon masih lagi nak cocok2 mate la idung la mulut la..diorg igt barbie doll ke ape agaknya..Aku rase suara aku je la yg berkumandang sepanjang waktu berpantang di rumah ni..

dan lain-lain lagi..

So, how to handle them using the psychology approach which I've learnt 13 years back?..Seriously, I can't recall so much about the theories. Ye lah..dulu2 belajar untuk pass exam je..bukannya nak apply dalam kehidupan seharian..kalau aku apply dalam kehidupan seharian semasa di kolej, sure aku score subject ni gila2..!!..:p

I read some articles about Rewards and Punishment here. I quoted some as below:-

Many a child developmental professional will advise parents to try to ignore children's bad behavior and reward their good behavior. As most parent's know, this is sometimes easier said than done. After all, bad behavior can be so irritating that it is difficult not to respond to, that is, to ignore. It takes real discipline

Isk mane boleh ignore..kang jadik habit, lagi la susah..lgpon rase geram mcm tak tertanggung..:p

Some parents might object to ignoring bad behavior because they see it, understandably perhaps, as their responsibility to correct the child's misbehavior. Ignoring it may seem like tolerating if not rewarding it and thus failing to do one's duty as a parent.

Ya betull..!!

Despite how reasonable this sounds, it turns out that most experts, including of the Super Nanny variety, are correct. Rewards are more effective than punishment. and blaa..blaa..sile ketik kalau nak tau lebih lanjut..

I just did a so-called Rewards thingy to Iman just now..I told her that she will get sebijik MENTOS if she eat rice today. And yes, dia dah pon makan nasik tengahari ni. Tp MENTOS dh diberi dulu before she ate the nasik?..aci tak?

Rasanya mmg lebih byk PUNISHMENT drp REWARDS yg aku dok apply selama ni. Kalau asik bergaduh and xnak berenti, aku hambek je rotan..tp xde la
libas kasi berbirat..rotan manja gitu..hehe.. but still bergaduh jugak at any other time yg diorg suke..

Tp takkan la asyik nak kasik mentos je or reward2 lain if they behave accordingly. Tak ke menggalakkan rasuah namanya, and it is not good lah.macam conditional love gitu..hmm..merapek?

I guess I need more reading and some patience..tp masalahnya aku tak suka membaca walau dulu bila tulis biodata - Kegemaran : Membaca..huh..ape kes?..:p

Whatever anyhow - I love my kids very much..I can't imagine life
without them and I'm not sure whether they can if it's without me. Quit my job and be with them most of the time is something I 'm thinking of. Yes, they might be mischievous ones but who cares?..Ntah bila la boleh berenti kerja without affecting my current salary eh? Money is not everything but everything needs money, so how lei?

She is soo notty but I love her unconditionally..same goes to the other 2..

Comments (6)

On November 5, 2009 at 11:29:00 PM GMT+8 , ms ngantuk said...

iman is at her terrible 2!

tapi aku plg suka part ni:

"I guess I need more reading and some patience..tp masalahnya aku tak suka membaca walau dulu bila tulis biodata - Kegemaran : Membaca..huh..ape kes?..:p"

Pengakuan plg jujur.

btw i don't think kids can cease being naughty if u quit work n stay home! marah je g..tp kau mmg baik lg lembut.

On November 5, 2009 at 11:50:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

kay, mmg kalau aku marah x ngeri langsung..budak2 ni lagi takut kt bibik dari aku..:p

eh budak 2 tahun mmg gitu eh? x igt plak aku..:)

On November 6, 2009 at 12:37:00 AM GMT+8 , LITTLE DEWA said...

not only she's 2, but she's also the middle child. well, u know wat they say 'bt the middle child kan...
& true, walau kau quit & devote yourself 2 them 24-7, kalau nk notti tu, notti jugak lah, esp at tis age :)
at least kau ada bibik, bleh take over your role jd disciplinarian kejap. hehe.
anak aku, lagi aku dok umah lagi jd sooo dependent on me smpai pakai spender pon tgu mummy!

On November 6, 2009 at 10:23:00 AM GMT+8 , dd said...

k1 ada habit kalau once dah bukak sluar nak pee mesti malas nak pkai balik...unless kena jerit ngan mak dia br la pkai... so bgun pg mmg siap la ada mamat sorg buat aksi anak penguasa kastam terlampau sbb tido tak pkai sluar lps tu phm2 la mr.birdie ni..it's morning!..hahaha

On November 6, 2009 at 2:06:00 PM GMT+8 , gjie said...

awie, yup mmg aku rase kalau aku dok rumah agaknya lg worst kot bebudak ni..:p

si muhriz ni pon sama je..lps kencin, punyelah payah nak pakai seluar smula. mata kt tv pehtu asik la tebalik suar yg dia pkai. ade skali tu, dedua kaki masuk kt 1 lobang and mmg klaka aku tgk and nak la snap pix tp dia smp nages2 x kasik aku amik pix dia..tau pulak malu!!..

dd, haha k1 pon sama rupenya..at least dia bgn la nak kencing. muhriz nk kene kejut baru bgn pi toilet.kalu tak pepagi siap la toto tuh kene jemur kt luar..:p

On November 8, 2009 at 8:03:00 PM GMT+8 , Farah said...

hanna same je dgn iman.. they are at the "terrible 2" stage.. ape yg dia nak, mesti bg jugak and tak paham makna "tunggu kejap".. usually aku cuba buat deal dgn dia.. "hanna nak ni, mesti tolong ibu buat ni.." most of the time it works.. tapi kalu time ngantuk or dia penat, tak de makne buat deal ape pon.. ikut je la ayau dia..